DR4 is offering a first-in-class service of taking up older dwellings and revamping the buildings to current aesthetic and functional standards. DR4 is committed to providing solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each & every client. If you are selling off your old property, our services wi.ll definitely offer you a good valuation; thus, enhancing your wealth. Or, if it is for your own personal use, our premium services will get you covered with all the modern amenities and new-age facilities namely- a modular kitchen, false ceiling, air conditioning, dishwasher & other energy-efficient appliances.
Rapid urbanization is now a new phenomenon owing to the migration from non-urban or rural areas in search of employment opportunities, better education, medical emergencies and last but not the least-standards of living. Therefore, the demand for housing is rising and simultaneously the need to refurbish or revamp them. DR4’s service will comprise the up-gradation of older buildings having limited structural life and bring such buildings on par with newer buildings through a complete refurbishing programme. This will lead to a greater value for the older buildings with a targeted value of 80% value of a new building.